When Was Deodorant Invented? A Brief History of Personal Hygiene

By | April 18, 2024


Have you ever wondered when deodorant was invented? In today’s modern society, personal hygiene plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Deodorants have become an essential part of our grooming routine, helping us stay fresh and confident throughout the day. Understanding the origins of deodorants can provide us with valuable insights into the evolution of personal hygiene practices. In this article, we will explore the fascinating history of deodorants, from ancient civilizations to the modern era.

Ancient Egyptian artifacts showcasing the use of scented oils for personal hygiene.

Ancient Egyptian artifacts showcasing the use of scented oils for personal hygiene.

Early Forms of Deodorants

Ancient Civilizations and Their Use of Natural Deodorizers

In our quest for pleasant scents and fresh underarms, we can trace back the use of deodorizers to ancient civilizations. For instance, in Ancient Egypt, people utilized scented oils and perfumes to mask body odor and enhance their fragrance. The Egyptians believed that pleasant scents were closely associated with personal cleanliness and wellbeing. Similarly, in Ancient Greece and Rome, natural ingredients like lavender and rosemary were popular choices for combating body odor.

Medieval Times: Limited Advancements in Personal Hygiene

However, as we transition to the medieval times, we find a decline in personal hygiene practices. The use of deodorants was not prevalent during this era, and people relied on fragrances and perfumes to mask unpleasant smells. The lack of advancements in personal hygiene during this period makes us appreciate the importance of deodorants in our modern lives.

Timeline of the evolution of deodorants from roll-on to aerosol and stick formats.

Timeline of the evolution of deodorants from roll-on to aerosol and stick formats.

Evolution of Deodorants

Late 19th Century: Birth of Commercial Deodorants

The late 19th century witnessed a significant milestone in the history of deodorants with the birth of commercial products. Roll-on deodorants, which contained a liquid or gel-like formula, made their debut during this time. These early deodorants aimed to combat body odor by providing a barrier against sweat and bacteria. Additionally, creams and pastes were also introduced, offering alternative forms of deodorant application.

Early 20th Century: Introduction of Antiperspirants

As we move into the early 20th century, a new innovation emerged in the form of antiperspirants. These products not only targeted odor but also aimed to control excessive sweating. Aluminum-based formulas became a breakthrough in the fight against perspiration. The growing popularity of antiperspirants among consumers reflected a shift in priorities towards both odor and sweat management.

Deodorant Advancements in the Mid-20th Century

The mid-20th century witnessed further advancements in deodorant technology. Aerosol deodorants gained popularity, offering a convenient and easy-to-use format. Spraying a fine mist of deodorant became a preferred method for many individuals. Additionally, stick deodorants, which had a solid consistency, provided another option for those seeking a portable and mess-free solution.


In conclusion, the invention of deodorants has revolutionized personal hygiene practices, allowing individuals to combat body odor and stay fresh throughout the day. From the ancient civilizations that relied on scented oils to the modern era with a wide array of deodorant options, our understanding of when deodorant was invented sheds light on the importance of personal grooming. Today, the deodorant industry continues to evolve, offering innovative solutions to cater to different preferences and needs.

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Remember, when it comes to personal hygiene, deodorants are just one piece of the puzzle. It is crucial to maintain a comprehensive approach to cleanliness, including regular bathing, proper clothing choices, and overall self-care. Let’s embrace the advancements in personal hygiene and enjoy the benefits of staying fresh and confident.

Bold: Nabm Blog